Interview on BEAT BEAT HEART:
Commentary by Christoph Gröner – 34th Munich Film Festival 2016 – at Deutschlandradio Kultur: BEAT BEAT HEART – Deutschland Radio Kultur / Filmfest München
Cinema – Whore, Saint and what else? – Article in the Süddeutsche
German cinema – Why doesn’t anyone want to see great films? – Article in the Zeit

It is an idea that leaves no heart cold, a feel-good movie in the best sense of the word. Director Luise Brinkmann focuses on individual, everyday inner struggles in a sensitively narrated film with comedic elements.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Anneke Kim Sarnau is half the battle, Stefan Jürgens also does well and Thomas Niehaus plays the friend in a naïve but pleasantly likeable way. The whole thing is staged airily and with a good flow. A welcome change on a Sunday.
Enchanting adaptation of a novel.
Super TV
This is a wonderfully relaxed ZDF RomCom, in which Jürgens plays a completely confused publisher’s son, Modell Unseld, who is finally catapulted into life and love under the influence of a fairy godmother played magically by Anneke Kim Sarnau.
Welt am Sonntag
Magical colorful round dance after Ludwig Bechstein
TV movie magazine
In contrast to the original […] Zitterinchen is part of the film’s storyline right from the start – for example as the bearer of the (love) letters exchanged between Christine and Prince Philip or as a “sniffer dog” who “warns” the sisters of dangerous situations and ensures a happy ending. Even though that turns out differently than expected – especially for Alma herself. Because this fairy tale film, and also the male protagonist Prince Philip, discovers a new beauty that finally leaves conventional happy endings and body-shaming social norms behind.
6 at one go – article in MärchenFilm Fan Magazine – Artikel im MärchenFilm Fan Magazin

Heartbreak with a summer vacation feel.
Beat Beat Heart – this heart beats loud and boisterous.
WDR Westart Live / Christof Boy
„[…] Low budget, but exuberant energy and truly remarkable, light-footed direction from a director from whom we will surely see many more films that are entertaining in the best sense of the word, and a great ensemble that deserves exactly this enthusiastic cinema audience that we were privileged to experience at the premiere.“ – Aus der Jurybegründung des Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino / 34. Filmfest München 2016
„[…] the most interesting films in the New German Cinema section came from women. Even the hitherto male-dominated German Mumblecore, characterized by small budgets and improvised dialogues, now has a new, female representative in Luise Brinkmann. Her love film BEAT BEAT HEART elicits from its meager means the charm of the unused, as already known from directors Axel Ranisch (Alki Alki) or Jakob Lass (Love Steaks).” – / Kaspar Heinrich
“This already award-winning first feature is a perfect example of young German cinema: smart, relaxed, spontaneous. With a loose camera and editing concept, improvised dialogues and overlapping conversations, Luise Brinkmann creates a small miracle and finally leaves out all stilted pretension and dusty pathos and packs into its place real emotions and the most realistic conversations seen on a German screen since the early Dresen films.” – Aus dem Programm des Film Festival Cologne 2016
“Maja, played by Christin Nichols, is a supporting character but not a minor one: she hints at a break with an age-old narrative convention. Rebels against the fact that women on screen are exclusively passive beings at the mercy of the male gaze. Makes visible that female storytelling is unfortunately still a niche gaze.” – Süddeutsche / Anna Steinbauer
„[…] A debut that leaves you wanting more.” – WDR Westart Live
“A wonderfully tender and warm-hearted film that was worth only an honorable mention to the jury.” – tip Berlin / Alexandra Seitz
“The loss of childlike innocence, teenagers’ half-knowledge about sex – director Luise Brinkmann […] expresses these themes with great sensitivity. The two young actors, Moritz Reinisch (“Kinderspiel”) and Linn Müller (“Sicher ist nichts”) play breathtakingly well.” – Blaue Blume 2016
“A Berlin women’s flat share in which it goes haywire! Who is in love with whom, only gradually comes to light. And who has cheated on whom or secretly fallen in love with the girlfriend of the girlfriend? Luise Brinkmann looks at the love turmoil of this lesbian microcosm with a lot of self-knowledge, empathy and beautiful music.” – From the program of the Perlen Filmfest – Hanover’s lesbian-gay film festival 2010
“The interlocking lives of a group of young modern lesbians in a film that handles vaguely familiar relationship situations in a charming way, is very authentic and offers a natural performance from charming actresses.” – Aus dem Programm des Mezipatra Filmfests